Trudy's Touch
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Reflexology dates back to ancient Egypt.  Eunice Ingham a physiotherapist began developing her foot Reflexology theory in the early 1930's.  She wrote her book in 1938 then began   teaching this modality to others.  It is a science which deals with reflex areas in the feet and hands.  Treatment is designed to relieve stress and tension, improve blood supply and promote the unblocking of nerve impulses and help nature achieve balance (homeostasis). 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is treatment like?
  The client sits in a chair while pressure is applied to reflex points on the feet       
        or hands

Q.  How much training do you have?
A.  58 hours

Q.  How long is the treatment?
A.  Sessions last 30 minutes

Q. How many sessions are needed?
A.  As with other body work therapies initially take several sessions. 
     Maintenance is recommended monthly to quarterly.
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