Trudy's Touch
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Lymphedema Certified

Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic drainage therapy is a manual technique for draining lymphatic stagnation.  The Lymphatic System is associated with circulation of fluid.  This fluid leaves the heart in one pathway, arteries, as blood.  It returns to the heart by two pathways veins and lymph vessels.  The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins and debris from tissues to keep us healthy.  Manual techniques for therapy began in Belgium in the late 1900's.  Bruno Chikly, M.D. teaches Lymphatic Drainage Therapy LDT which adds the technique of identifying the flow of lymph through mapping its path.  LDT is designed to enhance the normal function of lymph flow.  When the lymph system becomes compromised the body’s natural defenses are adversely affected.  LDT improves the systems ability to work properly by keeping lymph pathways moving smoothly.  

Lymphedema is a condition diagnosed by a physician where the lymphatic system is not functioning properly.  Due to the malfunction, fluid fills an area and is unable to drain. Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP) and LDT begins the movement of the stagnant fluid into the working system.  Compression bandages work with the CDP and LDT to keep pressure on the system to continue drainage of the stagnant fluid.  Once this backup has become manageable it is followed by compression garments to keep the fluid from returning to the swollen area.

Garment Fitter

Certified Sigvaris compression garment fitter. 
Compression garments are used for vein and lymph circulation assistance.

Questions Frequently Asked:

Q.  How long is your training?
A.  165 hours clinical training
      6 hours as Compression garment fitter

Q.  Why would I want LDT?
A.  By activating the lymph fluid you keep the body's cleansing system working well

Q.  Do I wear clothing during the treatment?
A.  Clothing is removed to allow skin to skin contact for LDT and CDP

Q.  Do I have to have Lymphedema to have Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?
A.  Lymphatic drainage helps a healthy system stay healthy while                                    lymphedema therapy treats a malfunctioning system.

Q.  How long are sessions?
Sessions lasting 50 to 60 minutes for LDT

Q. How many sessions are necessary for LDT?
A.  Several for acute swelling.
     Maintenance for healthy system quarterly

Q. Lymphedema Therapy
Requires a full assessment and treatment plan first visit being two hours

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